Etiqueta: Matlab

matlab scripts, programs and examples

Available the new v0.29 of the EEMlab project!

The new 0.29 version of the EEMlab Project (Excitation Emission Matrices laboratory) is already available. This new version improves the EEMlab GUI with the following updates: the new EEMlab loading procedure for standard CSV formatted EEMs From now we have released this new version (v 0.29) of the project and it is time to play. …

Welcome to the EEMlab project!

The EEMlab Project (Excitation Emission Matrices laboratory) consists on developing a MATLAB’s Graphical User Interface (GUI) that fully supports the drEEM toolbox (decomposition routines for Excitation Emission Matrices). The join of both, the EEMlab GUI plus the drEEM toolbox enable the researches an easy way to perform PARAFAC analysis onto fluorescence EEM datasets. From now …

Analysis of synthetic ‘rice kernels’ (high resolution)

Introduction In this post we repeat the ‘Experiment 02’ with the difference of generating high resolution images. We refer to high resolution as objects with a major axe about 136 pixels and a minor axe of 68 pixels (bigger ellipsoid in the image). We maintain the AR=2. We set scale with 136 pixels equivalent to 6 mm, simulating in …

Number vs. Volume weighted distributions

Introduction As it was explained in a previous post, we ask the reader to present both number and volume weighted distributions for a three-particle composed material, with the following settings: A-type: high-resolution elliptical particles with major-axe of 12 mm, AR=2 B-type: high-resolution elliptical particles with major-axe of 10 mm, AR=3 C-type: high-resolution elliptical particles with major-axe of …

Synthetic samples

The synthetic microstructure generator is a script written in Matlab code and developed by Mark Tschoop. At this moment, the last updated version is  November 2009. By means of this tool we can generate a binary image with non-overlapping ellipses of varying sizes and distributions. It was originally developed to examine the influence of particle aspect ratio, area fraction, and …

Feature extraction on ‘Blobs’ sample

This is our first experiment just to test our software IDE composed by ImageJ (image processing) and Matlab (statistical analysis). It is supposed that the reader knows the basics about how to operate with both ImageJ and Matlab‘s  software. Sample presentation & image capture ImageJ is installed with sample images by default. To illustrate this example we use the ‘Blobs’ sample image (‘File–>Open …

Analysis of synthetic ‘rice kernels’ (low resolution)

Introduction In this post we will analyze a synthetically generated image (with Matlab) that contains objects (ellipsoids) very similar to rice kernels. As we will see, the low image resolution will result on a bad feature extraction and, consequently no valid conclusions can be extracted at the end… Individual objects We approximate the 2D projection of a …