Here you are the formal presentation of an incredibly tiny Arduino Zero-compatible board that only sizes 15×15 mm! The SBC is designed by Albert Van Dalen that takes the SAM D21G SMD PIC and transforms into an easier PIN version. And, what is the best at all is that this nice SBC is available for …
Etiqueta: IoT
Good news: Arduino updates!
The New York Maker Faire took place on September the 23rd and 24th. One day later, Alasdair Allan wrote us on [1] about the awesome two new Arduino boards that were presented on it: the MKR WAN 1300 and the MKR GSM 1400. Both boards are oriented to the networking problem set by the IoT …
DIY online tools, the 2017 review
In the last times, there are an incredible and increasing number of online tools, guides and applications devoted to the Do It Yourself (DIY) philosophy. These are very good news for makers, as they have now many different options to solve problems and develop new and awesome projects. In this post I just want to …
Short discussion about the IoT world
The Internet Of Things (IoT) is a (not so) recent phenomenon that is becoming more important thanks to the new technologies used to solve all the problems stated by the IoT world. From my point of view, these problems are mostly related to the way on how the IoT devices are interconnected (networking) the environment …