DIY online tools, the 2017 review

In the last times, there are an incredible and increasing number of online tools, guides and applications devoted to the Do It Yourself (DIY) philosophy. These are very good news for makers, as they have now many different options to solve problems and develop new and awesome projects. In this post I just want to redirect the reader to the fantastic review about DIY online tools, made in 2017 by Anat Zait [1]. The review shortly introduces all the latest online developments, that are classified in the categories of: introduction guides, project sharing, project planning, IDE (Integrated Development Environment) and EDA (Electronic Design Automation), IoT & IoT dashboarding, 3D printing and PCB (Printed Circuit Board) design.

In my opinion (and many others readers) it is an incredibly complete review that becomes very very useful to discover new contributions to the DIY and makers’ world. Please browse to the reference and have a look!

  1. Anat Zait (2017), «33 DIY Electronics Online Tools and Guides for Makers – 2017 Edition»,

Author: Pau Micó

Pau Micó works as assistant professor and researcher at the Alcoi Campus (Universitat Politècnica de València) - SPAIN


  1. Thanks Pau! I appreciate it 🙂 I am just wrapping up a new article about online electronics stores for Makers. Hopefully, you’ll find it useful as well. If you have thoughts about other tools that can be added to the article, I’d love to hear about it, I’m sure that there are many more tools and services that I am not even aware of.

  2. Hi Anat! I’m sure that you new contribution is going to be so clarifying and highlighting as the first one. Although I still have a lot of work to explore on deep your review I’m anxious to know more news about your new article! By the way, can I suggest you to have a look on the ‘ThingSpeak’ IoT platform? My colleagues and I have been testing it and it becomes a nice IoT interface for devices communication and also gives Matlab support for the ‘smart’ IoT processing!

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