One of the lines of research that investigates how to make cities the more sustainable as possible is based on the savings in irrigation water used in public gardens and parks. In addition to help making the cities ecologically sustainable, all the activities involved on it should be also economically viables. To achieve this goal, a group of researchers from the Department d’Informàtica de Sistemes i Computadors (DISCA) of the Campus d’Alcoihave implemented a IoT prototype system to convert activities derived from agriculture into sustainable activities. The name of the smartBANCAL system pays homage to our Arabic and Moorish ancestorss who, with their mastery of water, were the first enginyers to apply the concept of sustainability in traditional agriculture (usual words as séquia, aljub, alcavó or bancal are still in use nowadays). In its etymology, it is very likely that the word bancal comes from the Moorish manqála.
If you want to know more details about this project please go to the smartBANCAL‘s project main page.