Hole analysis in image processing

holes in a porous material

In this post we want to propose the use of image processing in order to perform a complete hole analysis in porous materials. As fas as we know, features like structure, size and shape of holes become very important to define the acoustic behavior (ie. acoustic absorption) in all these kind composited materials.
The final goal of this exercise is to develop an image processing procedure for the hole analysis that would be able to predict the acoustic macroscopic behavior of the porous sound-absorbing material.


To carry on the goal stated above, we propose the following steps:

  1. State of the art about recent trends in porous sound-absorbing materials and applications, macroscopic acoustical characterization of materials and hole image processing techniques 8as, for example, stereological characterization of shapes)
  2. Sample image database creation (from internet, with real samples and using Matlab, for the synthetic ones)
  3. Image processing tests on the database created before
  4. Hypothesis tests and statistical analysis
  5. Write a paper with the materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions about the developed hole analysis procedure

Expected results
The final goal of this exercise is to develop an image processing procedure for the hole analysis that would be able to predict the acoustic macroscopic behavior of the porous sound-absorbing material.

Author: Pau Micó

Pau Micó works as assistant professor and researcher at the Alcoi Campus (Universitat Politècnica de València) - SPAIN